Tuesday 12 December 2017


Proposal - the game is flight shooting game. Character will be air plane that I made and it will move by arrow keys and shoot with w. the enemy will shoot lightning, and if the character touches it, the character will lose some bullets. I'll work on basic settings for first class, pictures in second class, advanced setting in 3rd and finish in fourth class. The game that inspired me is  the game named Raiden X.
Link : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/191447819/#player
Questions :

1. I had difficult on make heart or bullet disappear when plane gets one another, i fixed it by make them broadcast words that will delete them self.

2. I changed enemy shoots lightning from they did nothing.

3. He suggested to make enemy die if his HP is 0.

4. I think  background would improve my game, because  I used handmade background, but it seems to peaceful. If I had more time, i would make 2 Player.

Thursday 30 November 2017

Scratch Level 3 - Pong

1. I had difficult when the speed up button didn't stayed at one place. I fixed it by using wait until loops, so it waits at same spot until the ball touches the button. 2. I added snow flake which speeds up the ball and appears in different spot each time. Also i made it 2- players. Link : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/189337700/

Friday 17 November 2017

Scratch Level 2 - Racing Game

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/187254113/ 1. I had difficult to make the game 2 players. I made another variable for car2 which makes car2 moves separately. 2.I used another track, 2 players.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Kodu Pac-man



1. I think my game is pretty similar to original. except the ending because my game has too many apples so my game ends when the character scores 150points.

2. I made CPU throw the character away when the character touches the CPU. Also i made character to shoot a missile when it collects green apple.

3.I had difficult to make CPU to throw the character far away.

4.Make the CPU more faster, so i made them faster.

5.i think i should improve green apple if i can. I couldn't make character do something to Kodu when it collects green apple because Kodu program has limits.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Video Games : The Movie

1. The reason of why video games were successful was in the past, many parents came back to home late because of the work. During parents were not home, many children played video games and video game company had many profits. So video games started to be succesful.

2. I  think the reason of game industry crash was too many consoles. in 1980s many console games were published, so some game industries got bankrupt because people used other popular consoles such as atari or NES.

3. Yes, i think video games are a form of art, because they includes stories, musics and movies, which is a form of art.

4. I think next evolution in video games are VR.I think the challanges that needs to be solved are price, because good VRs such as PlayStation VRs are around $500, and there are no many software for VRs, so they need to make more VR software.

Friday 6 October 2017

Wednesday 20 September 2017


For Header, I used these three pictures. i cut the wagon and the mushroom and pasted to second picture. After the process, i used draw tool to color the background purple.(all handmade)

Thursday 14 September 2017

Game Designer Skills

Mathematics - I choose this subject because this is best thing I can do on the list. Also I never failed the math. I can use my math skill to scoring or probability if I need. I like calculating probability.

Music - I've took band for 4years and choir for 3years. Never failed music course. Also I heard a lot of game music.

Psychology -  I know how to make person happy. I had interest on human psychology for long time. Also I played lots of games so I know how to make person happy in game.

Especially psychology would be challenge for me, because i should think a lot to make system people will be happy.