Tuesday 24 October 2017

Video Games : The Movie

1. The reason of why video games were successful was in the past, many parents came back to home late because of the work. During parents were not home, many children played video games and video game company had many profits. So video games started to be succesful.

2. I  think the reason of game industry crash was too many consoles. in 1980s many console games were published, so some game industries got bankrupt because people used other popular consoles such as atari or NES.

3. Yes, i think video games are a form of art, because they includes stories, musics and movies, which is a form of art.

4. I think next evolution in video games are VR.I think the challanges that needs to be solved are price, because good VRs such as PlayStation VRs are around $500, and there are no many software for VRs, so they need to make more VR software.

Friday 6 October 2017