Thursday 30 November 2017

Scratch Level 3 - Pong

1. I had difficult when the speed up button didn't stayed at one place. I fixed it by using wait until loops, so it waits at same spot until the ball touches the button. 2. I added snow flake which speeds up the ball and appears in different spot each time. Also i made it 2- players. Link :

Friday 17 November 2017

Scratch Level 2 - Racing Game 1. I had difficult to make the game 2 players. I made another variable for car2 which makes car2 moves separately. 2.I used another track, 2 players.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Kodu Pac-man



1. I think my game is pretty similar to original. except the ending because my game has too many apples so my game ends when the character scores 150points.

2. I made CPU throw the character away when the character touches the CPU. Also i made character to shoot a missile when it collects green apple.

3.I had difficult to make CPU to throw the character far away.

4.Make the CPU more faster, so i made them faster.

5.i think i should improve green apple if i can. I couldn't make character do something to Kodu when it collects green apple because Kodu program has limits.