Tuesday 12 December 2017


Proposal - the game is flight shooting game. Character will be air plane that I made and it will move by arrow keys and shoot with w. the enemy will shoot lightning, and if the character touches it, the character will lose some bullets. I'll work on basic settings for first class, pictures in second class, advanced setting in 3rd and finish in fourth class. The game that inspired me is  the game named Raiden X.
Link : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/191447819/#player
Questions :

1. I had difficult on make heart or bullet disappear when plane gets one another, i fixed it by make them broadcast words that will delete them self.

2. I changed enemy shoots lightning from they did nothing.

3. He suggested to make enemy die if his HP is 0.

4. I think  background would improve my game, because  I used handmade background, but it seems to peaceful. If I had more time, i would make 2 Player.